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Once upon a time...

There was once a witch living in a big brilliant tower in the western sands. She did all of the usual witch things: potion-brewing and candle-making and herb-growing and brew-bubbling. But it all wasn’t quite enough anymore. The fires of her creative soul had grown cold but she was determined to stoke them again.

“My my, this gloom will not do;

I must simply find something new!”

So off she went, diving into her tomes and peering through her scryglass, reading her tea leaves and communing with faeries. But nothing brought her to the answer she sought. But then, all at once, it came to her in a dream. A leather apron, thick-lensed goggles, and a weird potion ingredient called “elbow grease.” The tools of an engineer!

“I have it, you birdbrained fount of ennui!

I’ll open up a works of machine and conjury!”

That “birdbrain” was none other than the resident of that big brilliant tower’s aviary, a grumpy owl who sunlighted in the tech industry. He was always on her broomstick about 401k this and tower equity that. And sometimes she just couldn’t get him out from under her hat. And so it was, the pestering worked a magic of its own, so she kept to hers.

And the witch instead bought some video games.

Many moons have since passed and the time has finally come for the witch to don her hat once more and seek out her happiness. With the arrival of a new determination, and a new familiar named Hazy, the witch is finally ready to shine a light on this grand new venture.

So let’s head down to the Making Magitek workshop and see what’s brewing and building and buzzing.

And see if we can find out what that “elbow grease” is…

Making Magitek is...


Each piece is crafted using the highest-quality materials and assembled with an attentive eye one at a time.


Born out of a love of jewelry and all things geeky, each item is unlike
any other. With the goal of sharing a little magic with every

One Woman Owned

Every aspect of Making Magitek is directed by one person from accounting, art, design, development, assembly, packaging, and social media.

Creative copy and text for Making Magitek has been provided by Jonathan Yuscavage.

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